Spinal decompression is a revolutionary computer-aided technology that helps treat the symptoms of low back and neck pain from conditions including, but not limited to: pinched nerves, post surgical pain, arthritis and spinal stenosis as well as herniated, bulging, degenerated and slipped discs. Spinal decompression is FDA-cleared and has been around for more than ten years. There have been many successful research studies on spinal decompression and there are currently more than 5,000 clinics in the U.S. and Canada that are performing spinal decompression treatments. Every day more and more clinics are adding spinal decompression as an alternative to surgery for patients suffering from acute and chronic back and neck pain.


Decompression is achieved by using a specific combination of force of pull, angle in degree of pull and varying time in order to create a negative pressure inside the discs of the spinal cord. This reversal of pressure creates a vacuum inside the disc that helps to draw extruded disc material and disc bulges back into place, taking pressure off of pinched or irritated nerves. Also, this vacuum pressure allows nutrients, oxygen and fluids to be drawn into the disc to create a revitalized environment conducive to healing for both herniated and degenerated discs. Based on the patient’s body weight, tolerance, level of severity, and duration of symptoms your physician will determine a specific treatment plan based on your individual needs. This helps ensure the best and longest lasting results.


At the beginning of each session, you will be comfortably fitted with a harness designed to achieve optimal traction of the low back or neck regions. During a session of spinal decompression, you will notice a slow lengthening of your spine as your discs are gradually decompressed and relieved of pressure. The treatment process is safe and relaxing. While some patients with extensively injured discs have reported some mild discomfort during the first few treatment sessions, their discomfort generally subsides upon subsequent visits. Most patients experience no discomfort at all. For patient security, the decompression traction table has a patient operated safety switch allowing the opportunity to stop the program at any point should you feel the need to. 


Candidates for spinal decompression therapy include but are not limited to the following:


  • Diagnosis of a herniated, bulging or degenerated disc
  • Back pain persisting for more than three weeks
  • Recurrent pain from a failed back surgery that is more than six months old
  • Persistent pain from arthritis
  • Patient is at least 18 years of age