Please call if there are any questions about what to expect at your visit.
How to get the most from your first office visit:
- Be prepared and on time.
- Write down all your complaints.
- Bring the most recent blood work ups (nothing older than 6 months).
- If you cannot get copies of your blood work bring in the doctors name and address of the last work up and we will request a copy.
- Bring in all medications and supplements, including antacids.
- Write down all questions you may have and ask them.
- Arrive 15 minutes early to complete paper work.
- We run on time therefore lateness will shorten your appointment.
- We request that you please do not wear perfume or heavy scents, as many of our patients are chemically sensitive.
- Physical exams are given at the first appointment along with blood draws if needed.
- If for some reason you need to cancel an appointment, a 24-hour notice is required otherwise a charge of $150.00 will be billed to you.
See our page on
insurance information.